

作者:小道   编辑:道格字体&coeus

Edit: green onion

Required font: BD CARTOON Shout

1. Create a new 1000 X 1000 PX document, and use#62C3C9 to fill in the new layer.

2.How to use a pen tool to create a voice bubble shape

Select the pen tool (P) and draw the shape of the voice bubble.To create a curve, click and hold the mouse and drag.Turn the smooth anchor point to the point of point, press the ALT key at the anchor point.

3.Create blackboard texture

step 1

Set the prospect color to#1A1A1A, and set the background color to #ffffff. 

Create a new layer and name it Chalkboard Texture, fill the color #1A1A1A.

Step 2、转到滤镜>杂色>添加杂色,设置数量为50%。



Step 5: Select "Chalkboard Texture" layer and "color step" adjustment layer, right -click the mouse, and then select "Merge Layer".The new layer is "Chalkboard Texture".

Step 6. Copy the blackboard texture layer and name it Chalkboard Text Texture.
4.Create a blackboard shape
step 1
Hidden Chalkboard Text Texture layer.Right -click Chalkboard Texture layer and select "Create Paste Mask".
Step 2、Control-J  复制语音气泡形状图层,并将其命名为Chalkboard,重命名初始图层Wooden Frame。

Step 3: Set the "fill" of the "Wooden Frame" layer to 0 % and add the "Stroke" layer style, color.#000000.

Right -click the layer and select "Convert to Smart Object". 

5.Create wood texture

step 1

Create a new layer according to Control-N, name the layer Wooden Texture, and fill the color#1A1A1A. 

Step 2、转到滤镜>渲染>光纤以创建木材纹理。

Step 3, right -click the "Wooden Texture" layer, and then select "Create a Paste Mask".

Step 4. Select "Wooden Frame" and "Wooden Texture" layer, and then move them to all other layers.

Step 5, add the following styles to layer Wooden Frame: 

Projection (color#000000)

Inner shadow (color #000000)

Landscape and relief (color #ffffff and #000000)

Color superposition (color#c86800)

6.Use wooden framework to create blackboards

Add this layer style to the Chalkboard layer: 

Projection (color #000000)

Inner shadow (color #000000)

Inner glow (color #ffffff)

Color superposition (color #393838)

7.Add chalk text effect

step 1、输入文字“BACK TO SCHOOL”并填充白色。

Step 2: Add this layer style to the "back to school" text layer: 

Inner shadow (color #000000)

Outside light (color #ffffff)

Inner glow (color #000000)

Stroke (color #000000)

Step 3. You can also use your favorite color to add color superposition. The mixed mode is normal and the opaque degree is 100 %.I will use this green tone#D1ff6e, and I can also use any color you like to change the color of the pen.

Step 4. Right -click "Back To School" text layer, and then select "Convert to Smart Object" to set the mixed mode to filtering.

Step 5: To create a more realistic chalk effect, make the "Chalkboard Text Texture" layer visible.Right -click the layer and select "Create Creation Mask" for "Back To School" text layer.At the same time, the mixture mode is set to "positive stack bottom".

In order to make the color more vivid, let us add a adjustment layer.Right -click the adjustment layer, and then select "Create a Paste Mask".

8.Add chalk

step 1、使用钢笔工具创建粉笔。 

Step 2

Add this layer style to create realistic chalk: 

Projection (color #000000)

Inner shadow (color #000000)

Landscape and relief (color #ffffff and #000000)

Color superposition (#F2F2F2 white chalk and#C1E053 green chalk)

OK, finished, in this tutorial, I learned how to use the filter and adjust the layer from scratch to create a chalk effect in Photoshop, and try to try it.
