OPPO定製品牌字體可免費商用! !

OPPO定製品牌字體可免費商用! !

作者:小道   编辑:道格字体&coeus

A few days ago, OPPO announced at the newly held conference announced that the brand font OPPO Sans was open authorized. It can be downloaded for free in both individuals and enterprises.

In April of this year, OPPO mobile phones appeared in his brand custom font OPPO SANS, which adopted a new skeleton, structure and glyph design. At the same time, some strokes were simplified to make the overall shape of the font more concise and elegant.Many pixel -level optimizations will not feel tired for a long time.

According to the Hanyi font library, the Chinese part of the brand font was completed by Huang Zhenyuan, a Hanyi font designer, and the western part was designed by the British Pentagram.The western part was completed by Zhang Xun, the person in charge of the Western project of the Hanyi Division.

OPPO SANS uses a new skeleton. The middle palace is naturally comfortable, the structure is stable, and the glyphs are stretched.The improvement of visual focus makes the overall shape look straight and elegant and full of vitality.

OPPO Sans family fonts include OPPOSANS-B, OPPOSANS-H, OPPOSANS-L, OPPOSANS-M, OPPOSANS-R, OPPO SANS Western part, follow the round curvatureAmong them.OPPO SANS is positioned as a global brand font, covering a total of 21 countries, a total of 11 languages.
